A day in the life of a Software Techie...


This will be interesting... Where to begin... I guess I will go with my experiences....That ought to be fun....

Its 8 in the morning....The sunlight is seeping through the window, gently prodding to get me awake... second by second, minute by minute, the intensity is increasing. You are in some dream (which I always forget as soon as I wake up). Suddenly you feel someone screaming in pain from far away. You are drawn towards the sound. Gradually the screams gets nearer and nearer, you open your eyes only to find that the scream was the alarm that had been set in your mobile.

You curse anything and everything. Its not a good thought that you have to go to office. The same drill follows. You somehow manages to get yourself out of the house and find a bus to take you to office. You feel like the helpless animals that are being taken to the slaughterhouse. All bleak.

Finally you reach your office. As soon as you open your system and check your mails, you find that someone somewhere has committed to provide something that you have to somehow manage to do. You straightaway get to the job at hand. You forget to even greet the person in the next seat. He do not have the time to do that likewise. You wait for the clock to tick. It seems time has decided to go in slow-motion today. You sweat out even though the AC is on in full force.

Finally it is time to go home as the clock strikes 7 (usual for any techie) . Or is it??? Just as you are about to log out and leave for the day. You see your manager coming up to you carrying his/her luggage(read Laptop and Lunch box) asking you to do something and promptly carries on. You curse that person then and there but what to do? It is quite but natural for anyone to feel cheated when that person is going home and you are having to mop up for the shoddy work that person did.

You grudgingly complete the work. You don't dare to leave without completing the work even though the manager is not around. Finally by the time you reach home, you are so tired that sometimes all you do is slip into the bed and the light just goes out. Next thing you remember is the same kind of dream and the screaming voice which turns out to be the damn alarm again.

I think all of us software techies can somehow relate these chain of events to what is happening in their lives currently. I will be back shortly with more. Until then... Au revoir


man u cn write a story of ur own...gud nyc work ..!! keep it up :-)


Funny...I can imagine the IBM managers!!!