The New Dawn

The long night is over, the bitter cold gone
I find myself in this new world, awake, aware, alone
It's time to set off on this journey, there's freshness in the air
As I face this warm spring morning, without any fear

The cobbled streets, the little puddles along the sidewalk
Reminiscent of the thunder showers of past noon
I hurry along, eager to leave those memories behind
To reach my destination, full of promises, soon

Inspired by the stories of few heavyhearted
who ploughed their way through murky waters
Standing tall midst despair, when odds seemed insurmountable
With the throng of naysayers packed to the rafters

I feel an adrenaline rush, the whole world suddenly wide open
The possibilities endless, the opportunities countless
I take that first step towards my new destiny
To infinity and beyond, our potential truly limitless


Ravi it's nice. Why were you so thoughtful and aware. We're you excited about your journey??